主題: 開羅宣言不具有任何法律效力    rdrcntr:2611 關鍵字: 開羅宣言
張貼時間: 2007-06-23 12:36:56
FAPA ip: 220 .X.X.X/
The Formosan Association for Public Affairs






FAPA會長李青泰表示:「 開羅宣言最多僅是代表美、中、英三國領袖對於當時國際局勢的片面聲明,在當時也許有特別涵義,但是宣言本身並不具任何法律效力,更遑論可以用來佐證中國領土涵蓋台灣的法律根據,不管是中華民國或是中華人民共和國。美國檔案室今天公開證明這項一般國際法學者與民進黨政府早已確認的史實。」1951年的舊金山合約是歸結二次世界大戰的戰後合約,依照國際法原則,理應取代之前制訂的法律條文,何況是沒有法律效力的公報宣言。FAPA呼籲中國國民黨與中國共產黨不要再為了一己之私的政治目的,刻意誤導與扭曲史實。

The Formosan Association for Public Affairs
552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003

For Immediate Release
Contact Iris Ho @ 202.547.3686
June 14, 2007
Nationl Archives Shatters Beijing's and KMT's Claims

In a letter to FAPA dated June 5, Michael Kurtz, the Assistant Archivist for Records Services at the United States National Archives confirmed that the 1943 Cairo Declaration is neither a treaty nor an executive agreement, but merely a “communique.” This marks the first time the United States government officially goes on record elaborating on the lack of legal binding power of the Cairo Declaration, and thus voids the basis of both the Chinese Nationalist KMT party’s and Beijing’s mythic “One China Principle” claims.

Mr. Kurtz writes: “The National Archives and Records Administration has not filed this declaration under treaties. […] As you state, the declaration was a “communique”, and it does not have treaty series (TS) or executive agreement series (EAS) number.”

Over the past half century, the Cairo Declaration has been used by both the Communist government and the KMT as one of the key historic documents to bolster their “One China” claims. The KMT has long cited the Cairo Declaration as the legal basis for ROC’s claim on Taiwan. Interestingly enough, the Chinese Communist government also cites the Cairo Declaration to augment its claim that Taiwan is part of China. Former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin, current Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing and Premiere Wen Jiabao have in various public occasions invoked the Cairo Declaration to establish that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China.

FAPA President CT Lee states: “The 1943 Cairo Declaration is a document that wrapped up a meeting between Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Chiang Kai-shek. It merely is a moment in time - a declaration of intention about the world’s affairs among the three leaders. Although important at the time, it does not have any legal binding power almost 65 years later enabling either the KMT or the PRC to derive territorial claims from. The letter from the Archives codifies this fact that is already familiar to international legal scholars and Taiwan’s DPP government. The 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty officially brought World War II to an end and supersedes all previous agreements. It is time that the Chinese Nationalist Party and the Communist Chinese government cease this political game of rhetoric.”

June 5, 2007
Coen Blaauw
Formosan Association for Public Affairs
552 7th Street S.E.Washington, DC 20003

Dear Mr. Blaauw:
The is in response to the letter from C.T. Lee, President of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs to Professor Allen Weinstein, Archivist of the United States, dated May 9, 2007, concerning the "Cairo Declaration" of December 1, 1943. Your letter was received in my office on May 23, 2007. The National Archives and Records Administration has not filed this declaration under "Treaties."

The only international treaties in our custody are those sent to us from the Department of State with a TS (treaty series), EAS (executive agreement series), or TIAS (treaties and other international agreements series) number. These documents are all in record Group 11, General Records of the United States Government. As you state in your letter, the declaration was a "communique," and it does not have treaty series (TS) or executive agreements series (EAS) number.

The "Cairo Declaration" is included in the State Department publication "Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States of America, 1776-1949," edited by Charles I. Bevans (volume 3, p. 858). The source is given as 1943 For. Rel. (Conferences at Cairo and Tehran) 448. The State Department publication "Foreign Relations of the United States: Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943," includes on page 448 the text of the communique relating to the meeting at Cairo of President Roosevelt, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, and Prime Minister Churchill. The source copy is reported as "Cairo Declaration Records." It was also printed in the Department of State Bulletin, vol. ix, December 4, 1943, p. 393.

Please let me know if I can of further assistance.


Assistant Archivist
for Records Services - Washington, DC


日更正 開羅宣言未經署名,
台灣主權屬中國 不攻自破

〔駐日特派員張茂森�東京2007/2/23日報導〕被中國視為擁有台灣主權唯一法律依據的開羅宣言,事實上只是一紙未經任何人署名、未具法律效力的「新聞稿」(Press Release)而已,具有權威性的日本國會圖書館已於二十二日將網頁上「開羅宣言經中國國民政府主席蔣介石、英國首相邱吉爾與美國總統羅斯福署名」的部分刪除。






《東京探索》台灣主權屬中國 不攻自破

駐日特派員 張茂森




