eForum 台灣e廣場

國際原住民日 台灣原住民紀念活動    rdrcntr:2831 2007-08-08 15:50:31
Jason Pan
* 新聞活動通告: 歡迎媒體記者先生小姐採訪

國際原住民日 台灣原住民紀念活動
International Indigenous Peoples Day
全世界原住民24小時串聯 (八月九日 )


聯合國近年來已設定 每年八月九日 為\"國際原住民日\"
International Indigenous Peoples Day
包括在紐約市聯合國總部 日內瓦聯合國歐洲總部
與 荷蘭 海牙市 (世界法庭所在地) 及其它各大城市
每年都有 以原住民為議題的慶典紀念活動

(紐約市聯合國總部活動 http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/en/news.html)

今年由 荷蘭之著名原住民援助團體 NCIV 發起
在這一天24小時 全世界串聯接軌
在各國 由民間團體舉辦 \"原住民 紀念祭典活動\"

此呼籲 已有許\多全世界國家 原住民與民間團體之響應
並也有亞洲原住民聯盟的支持 (AIPP - Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact)
在亞洲各地區舉辦 \"原住民 紀念祭典活動\"

而今年之特別議題 是喚起社會大眾注意
以呼籲各國政府 要支持
今年聯合國下屆會員大會UN General Assembly 即將投票的
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples


在台灣 八月九日 星期四
當天 將由 平埔原住民族群團體 舉辦
宣示與紀念活動 以響應這 聯合國國際原住民日

* 時間: 八月九日 星期四 下午 2:30 p.m. 開始
* 地點: 台北市 新公園(228公園) 音樂台 - (靠近衡陽路入口)
* 主辦單位: 台灣平埔人權促進會 台北縣凱達格蘭族協會
亞洲原住民聯盟 AIPP (台灣-日本地區執行委員)

* 活動節目: 由在地 大台北地區原住民族群 平埔凱達格蘭族長老 主持活動
- 並由 亞洲原住民聯盟 AIPP (台灣-日本地區執行委員) 協助翻譯
提供新聞資料給台灣 與外國媒體記者

1. 凱達格蘭族長老 舉行開場典禮
紀念四百年來殖民統治 追悼台灣平埔族祖先前輩們遭受之苦難 迫害與犧牲

2. 凱達格蘭族長老 與平埔原住民族群團體 朗讀宣言
呼籲台灣 與亞洲各國政府 支持通過\"聯合國原住民權益宣言草案\"

3. 凱達格蘭族青年與長老 共同宣示 \"凱達格蘭族 傳統領域\"宣言
要求台北市政府 與 中央政府 遵守 國際原住民權益標準
要求遵重凱達格蘭族親 與 平埔族群之人權 多元族群平等 族群之身份認定

4. 所有參與者 及 平埔族群人士 共同宣示 要求 \"平埔族群入憲法\"
反對種族歧視 反對平埔人權受迫害 反對政府滅族政策

5. 共同宣示 呼籲社會大眾 支持推動 平埔原住民族群身份認正
要求政府設立 \"平埔族群事務委員會\"

6. 凱達格蘭族長老 最後之祈福典禮 為這塊土地與人民祝福
完成今年之 國際原住民日 台灣平埔紀念活動 全世界原住民24小時接軌串聯

7. 參與者及平埔族群人士 拿訴求請願書
將散步遊行 到凱達格蘭大道 總統府 要求陳水扁總統接收請願書
再沿公園路 台大醫院 中山南路 步行到立法院前
簡短宣示呼喚口號 要求\"平埔族群入憲法\" 設立\"平埔族群事務委員會\"
再沿中山南路 北上 步行到行政院前 要求張俊雄院長接收請願書

新聞資料連絡: 潘先生 0921-958-420


* (請參考 下列為英文之此活動通告
已發給荷蘭NCIV, 歐洲原住民事務工作組 IWGIA,
紐約聯合國總部 UN Headquarters, 聯合國原住民常設論壇 UNPFII,
日內瓦聯合國歐洲總部 之聯合國人權委員會UN Human Rights Council,
亞洲原住民聯盟 AIPP, 亞洲人權論壇組織 Human Rights- Forum Asia,
南亞原住民與土著民族國際聯盟 FITPA, 亞洲原住民事務族群Asia-Pfii,等等

並將發佈於 駐台國際英文媒體 世界各國重要媒體 世界原住民團體新聞網)

-----Forwarded message-----
From: jasonpan
To: pfii
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2007 22:35:55 +0800 (CST)
Subject: [asia-pfii] Let\'s Mark International Indigenous Peoples Day - Global Ceremony Program in Taiwan

Dear Friends,

\"International Indigenous Peoples Day - Global Ceremony in Taiwan\"

To Mark \"International Indigenous Peoples Day\" on Aug. 9, and in Support of the Adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples:

The Ping Pu lowland Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan will conduct a spiritual ceremony on the sacred ancestral ground of the indigenous Ketagalan community whose traditional territory covers the Taipei basin.

The event is organized by the Ping Pu lowland Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan (of which there are ten tribes, and Ketagalan is one of them) to link up with the indigenous Global Ceremony activities on Aug. 9m 2007, as called forth by the Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples (NCIV).

Location: Taipei New Park, Taipei City (next to Ketagalan Blvd.), Taiwan

Time: 2:30 p.m.~3:30 p.m., Thurs., Aug. 9, 2007

Organized by: TARA-Ping Pu, Ketagalan Cultural Association of Taipei County, and Ping Pu Indigenous Peoples Federation of Taiwan

Program Agenda:

1. Ketagalan elders will perform ritual ceremony to commemorate the sacrifices and struggles made by the Ping Pu Indigenous Peoples throughout the past 400 years of colonial government rule

2. The Ping Pu lowland Indignenous Peoples organizations will read out declaration statements and call for the Taiwan government and other countries in Asia to support the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples:

3. Ketaglan youth and activists will join the elders for a declaration of \"Return of Ketagalan Ancestral Domain\", calling for Taiwan government and Taipei City government to restort the land rights and cultural rights of Ketagaland people on their own traditional land

4. Ping Pu IP leaders and activists from other regions of Taiwan, other Ping Pu tribes representatives will join the Ketaglan people in a rally to demand inclusion of Ping Pu indigenous peoples in the new negotiation rounds for the \"new national constitution\" of Taiwan\"

5. Demand for Taiwan goverment to recognize Ping Pu peoples as Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan - the same status and same indigenous rights as the already recognized (with official status) 13 indigenous tribes currently covered under the government ministry - Council of Indigenous Peoples.

6. Concluding ceremonial ritual with a blessing of the land and the people, performed by the Ketaglan elders

7. Taking petition letters to the government offices, President and Cabinet offices in charge of indigenous and ethnic peoples affairs


* Background Information:

The 10 tribes of Ping Pu lowland Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan are (from north to south): Ketagalan, Taokas, Pazeh, Kahabu, Papora, Babuza, Hoanya, Tavorlong, Siraya, and Makatao.

(The 13 tribes with Indigenous People status and indigenous rights currently in Taiwan are - Amis, Atayal, Bunun, Kavalan, Paiwan, Puyuma, Rukai, Sakizaya, Saisiyat, Tao, Thao, Truku, and Tsou.)

After decades of struggle and demands for indigenous rights, the Taiwan goverment still refuses to recognize the Ping Pu peoples as an ethnic group, and have repeatedly refused to grant \"indigenous peoples\" status to the Ping Pu peoples.

The past KMT-party government and the current DPP-pary government stated official policies are to recognize only four major ethnic groups in Taiwan - Holo Taiwanese, mainalnd Chinese, Hakka Chinese, \"high mountain\" Indigenous Peoples (13 tribes) - and denies the existence of Ping Pu lowland Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan.

In effect, the Ping Pu peoples are not equal to other ethnic groups, are not recognized as people in existence, have no collective rights as people, and are in a much lower status and worse-off position than the majority populations and other minority groups.

The government has consistently followed a policy of denial, suppression, and marginalization against the Ping Pu lowland Indigenous Peoples - who are in the lowest socio-economic strata and in severe danger of cultural extinction and total loss of their ancient Austronesian mother tongue languages.

By state policy of denying our existence and refusal to recognize our indigenous rights, the government is pursuing a de facto policy of extermination and genocide against the Ping Pu lowland Indigenous Peoples - in violation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and international Human Rights covenants.

We support the Global Ceremony program along with the worldwide international IP communities to commemorate the International Indigenous Peoples Day. We hope you can also support our struggle.

* Note: Taiwan and foreign media outlets (newspaper, journal, TV, radio broadcasting, and on-line news, etc., including Taiwan\'s Indigenous TV Station) have been invited to cover this event - \"International Indigenous Peoples Day - Global Ceremony in Taiwan\" -This press statement along with background information has been sent to these media outlets today.

In Solidarity,

Jason Pan Adawai
Director, TARA-Ping Pu